Members: Hana Harpold

Hana’s past research in Dr. Swanson’s lab focused on creating a mathematical model for the PET tracer FLT, currently in clinical trials at the University of Washington. Hana is currently a student at the UW Med school, and has authored and published papers with Dr. Swanson and others.


Articles – Peer Reviewed

  • HLP Harpold, EC Alvord, Jr., K. R. Swanson: The evolution of mathematical modeling of glioma growth and invasion. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 66(1):1-9, 2007. Pubmed ID: 17204931
  • KR Swanson, HLP Harpold, LD True: Prostate Specific Antigen: A Clinical and Mathematical Conundrum. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 125 (3): 331-333, 2006. Pubmed ID: 16613335
  • HLP Harpold, P. Vicini, KR Swanson: Kinetic Modeling of FLT-PET to Generate Parametric Maps of Proliferation. Journal of Undergraduate Research in Bioengineering, 6(1):49-68, 2006. JURIBE

UPDATE!!! Dr Harpold is a Pediatrician at Children’s Hospital Colorado