Members: Josh Jacobs

Research Associate

PhD, Applied Mathematics

Joshua Jacobs joined the Mathematical Neuro-Oncology lab in June of 2010 as a Applied Mathematics Graduate Student at the University of Washington. After graduating with his PhD in August of 2012, he currently is developing, implementing, and analyzing numerical models of brain tumors and managing the software engineering of mathematical neuro-oncology research. He brings more than seven years of software engineering experience in industry, education, and science to the lab.


Daniel Heath and Joshua Jacobs, “Geometry Playground”, Loci (September 2010), DOI: 10.4169/loci003567

Joshua Jacobs,  “Factor Group Transformations on Escher Patterns”, Proceeds of the Bridges Conference (August 2005)

Robert Harrison, Joshua Jacobs, Brian Elston, Adam Alessio, Darrin Byrd, Russell Rockne, Andrea Hawkins-Daarud, Mark Muzi, Pamela Jackson, Kristin Swanson, Paul Kinahan “Integrating a three-dimensional spatiotemporal glioma model with a PET simulation system to create patient-specific FMISO images”, IEEE Medical Imaging Conference (2013 )

C.A. Bridge, A. Baldock, P. Kumthekar, P. Dilfer, S.K. Johnston, J.Jacobs, D. Corwin, L. Guyman, R. Rockne, A. Sonabend, M. Cloney, P. Canoll, K.R. Swanson “Characteristics of long-term survivors in glioblastoma” Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology, 2013 (San Francisco, CA)

J. Jacobs,M P Lelong, M A Sundermeyer “Submesoscale lateral dispersion following spatially correlated wave breaking events”,  AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting (2010 Portland, OR)

currently, Informatics Specialist II at Mayo Clinic