hoi4 romania refuses to give up transylvania

The Hungarian government has approach us with an offer to divide [CZE.GetNameDef]. -Romania will now also always agree to surrender Transylvania which will also stop the broken Romania Mediation event chain that paradox has not yet fixed. This page was last edited on 20 August 2022, at 22:30. The people of the Vojvodina had their say in 1919, and they choose to stay with [YUG.GetNameDef]. Under their offer, the restrictions on army size in the treaty would be changed to allow Hungary to bring its current army to full strength. [SLO.GetName] has recently come under heavy pressure from [HUN.GetNameDef] to return areas at its southern borders, which have belonged to Hungary in the past. This clearly shows what everyone already suspected: [From.GetNameDef] is nothing but a paper tiger. ~91% if Germany is working on one of the two focuses mentioned and world tension is over 20. The Air Ministry has initiated a crash program to acquire a modern fighter as soon as feasible. Germany has been brought in to mediate our territorial dispute with Hungary, and they have wisely decided that Transylvania should remain under Romanian control. Our ambassador was invited to a private lunch with [HUN.GetLeader], where he was assured that [HUN.GetNameDef] wanted nothing but peace and friendly relations with us. Every time I make them my puppet, they're reluctant to give Hungary any land. (see at the bottom of the description) At the end of the Great War, Romania illegally seized a number of territories, including Bessarabia and Transylvania. All we have to do is pick the right side. HOI4 Event ID List | HOI4 Cheats HOI4 Console Commands Hearts of Iron IV Event IDs Below is a searchable list of all event names and event codes from Hearts of Iron 4 on Steam (PC / Mac). In a recent press conference, [From.GetLeader] did all he could to not answer any questions about our decision to abandon the Treaty. Many senior diplomats suggest that we rearm anyway, just to show [From.GetLeader] what happens if he refuses to negotiate. If we agree, which part should we demand? The below description is one of several available for this event.The Air Ministry is looking to procure a new light bomber for close support of ground forces, but the Foreign Office has suggested that political and diplomatic concerns should also play a role in deciding which country to buy from. Negotiations through back channels with [From.GetNameDef] have led to an agreement, in principle, that Yugoslavia should be either dismantled entirely or at least severely reduced in size.With our new backers, we can now negotiate with the [YUG.GetAdjective] government from a position of overwhelming strength. With the recent shifts in the political situation, they have once again decided to advance their claims, demanding that we turn over the whole of Transylvania to them or else. Our strong response to Soviet-Hungarian aggression seems to have born fruit. We cannot expect the Germans to intervene, as their pact with the Russians apparently contained a secret protocol that put us inside the Soviet sphere of interest. The contribution of Romania was significant as it provided oil for Germany and over a million men for Operation Barbarossa. With this you should be able to survive until at least 1942 and amass a formidable army. Our offer of a guarantee has not been met with much enthusiasm by the [CZE.GetAdjective]s. The political concessions we asked for have caused an uproar in [CZE.GetNameDef], with several prominent Generals and political figures threatening to resign if the government accepted.Citing grave concerns that support could reach them in time, the [CZE.GetAdjective] government has official declined our offer. A letter by an anonymous group of Army officers has been leaked to the press, stating that a large number of soldiers would be willing to go to Hungary to fight, if the government would let them.The government has met to discuss a number of options. With the threat of war on the table, the Hungarian government has suddenly become a lot more friendly. Without consulting us, the [From.GetAdjective] government has signed a treaty with Hungary, altering or removing the restrictions of the Treaty of Trianon. The [From.GetAdjective] Air Force is currently holding trials for a new light fighter. Making a rare appearance before both houses of parliament, the King has noted that he is deeply worried about his old home, and particularly about the fate his father and family should suffer if Sweden was to be defeated. A recent study of modern air combat has shown a critical weakness in our air force. The Soviets have accepted our offer to put the Communists in charge. The below description is one of several available for this event.The Hungarian side has presented us with an offer to solve the looming crisis. The Hungarian offer of a referendum has put us in a tight spot internationally. Would it just be better to accept the compromise for N. Transylvania and then take the rest when I attack Yugoslavia( Romania guarantees them)? They have asked us to join them in bringing down Hungary before it can regain its strength. Production can commence at any time. Translyvania "Dracula" Achievement | Paradox Interactive Forums. If they cave anyways, well, cool I guess lol. @crusader It's probably just being unlucky. Even private individuals who wish to travel to Hungary to fight are refused traveling visas, and the government has pushed through legislation making it illegal to sell guns to us. If you just want free land and no war, just ask for Northern Transylvania. Hungary has placed its forces in a state of heightened readiness. At various times, they have publicly claimed Transylvania as an integral part of Hungary. The Hungarian government has indicated that they are quite willing to fight for it, if it came to that.We can ill afford a war breaking out in that region over something so small, and should push for a diplomatic solution. Romania has refused. Hearts of Iron IV is an epic historical simulator that allows you to experience the Second World War as any country, and perhaps, change history. Our recent decision to abandon the Treaty of Trianon has been met with a surprisingly strong rebuttal by [From.GetNameDef]. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The below description is one of several available for this event.The Air Ministry is looking to procure a new medium bomber for long range interdiction and tactical air strikes, but the Foreign Office has suggested that political and diplomatic concerns should also play a role in deciding which country to buy from. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The government has made money available for a crash program to acquire a modern bomber, but we must make a decision on which plane we should procure. If we wish to solve this by force, we must strike quickly. BTW I love your mod as it is, its great, but would like those addition if you can. For more information, please see our No shots have been fired yet, but it is only a question of time before this crisis explodes into war.Our ambassadors in Britain, France and Germany report feverish activity in their respective foreign offices, indicating that these nations might take an interest in the brewing crisis. having decided to reject the Hungarian offer, it is now up to us to offer different terms. Rumors in diplomatic circles point towards a possible deal with Germany. Just a cautionary tale. In a meeting with our ambassador, [GER.GetLeader] has made it very clear that his government considers [CZE.GetNameDef] to be fully in their sphere of interest, and that any interference with its borders would be considered a hostile act. I've done this three times now. If you have joined the Axis, select Germany. It appears that [From.GetLeader] never intended to keep his word. [From.GetLeader] reportedly demanded that the [From.GetAdjective] military prepare a plan for intervention at once. and [HUN.GetLeader] publicly vowed that any attempt to stop Hungary from reclaiming its rightful place in the world would be met with "a war the likes the world has never seen, a war that will make the great slaughter of 1914 to 1918 look like a mere bar fight".We are at a crossroads. The Foreign Office warns that not accepting the proposal would isolate us diplomatically. It is the sequel to 2009's Hearts of Iron III and the fourth main installment in the Hearts of Iron series. The [ROM.GetAdjective] government has refused to negotiate the contested territories. When I tried doing it France just Guaranteed them making me unable to annex them without a peace deal which required me to capitulate France, and I never seem to have luck with paras. We have lost so much territory to our rapacious neighbors. According to our Air Attach, our newest model is poised to win. Rumor has it that the Swedish King himself has intervened on our behalf, threatening to abdicate and travel to Hungary in person to offer his service in the army unless the government offered something more than warm words of support. Rather than face the might of our armies, the cowardly Romanians have decided to return our rightful territories. 6.2 Romania transfers Transylvania 6.3 Romania refuses to give up Transylvania 6.4 Hungary mobilizes 6.5 Romania mobilizes 6.6 Choose a Mediator 6.7 Choose a Mediator 6.8 Hungary backs down 6.9 Hungary seeks Mediation 6.10 Romania seeks Mediation 7 id 60 - 69 Demand for Transylvania (2) 7.1 The Balkan Crisis on Paradox technology, Legal Questions, Paradox Thanks for this detail, I was wondering about this as well. [SOV.GetLeader] personally assured our delegation that no further territorial claims will be made against us, at least not by the Comintern. [From.GetName] Joins the [Root.GetFactionName]! Our own intelligence service reports large troop movements towards the borders and air raid sirens howling in Budapest. Yes - in Axis with them . In a tense meeting with [YUG.GetLeader], our delegation was told that the sovereignty of the Vojvodina was not up for discussion, and that in any event the [YUG.GetAdjective] government would never bow to such pressure. Without mentioning any territorial claims, [HUN.GetLeader] discussed only the restrictions on the Hungarian military.A delegation from Hungary has arrived in our capital to secure our formal agreement to Hungarian rearmament. Despite our strongly worded statements about the Treaty of Trianon, [From.GetNameDef] has not made any moves to stop us. In return, we would have to guarantee the communists seats in government. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. n private discussion, our delegations could not come up with a reason why they would make such an offer, but it seems genuine. Any attempt at a compromise solution has been derailed by mutually unacceptable demands. They seem to only cave when I want them to say no, naturally. Hungary would further be permitted to spend a greater portion of its budget on expanding and modernizing its military industries.With a democratic government firmly in charge of the country, there is considerable support for the scheme in our diplomatic service. The Hungarian government has not even bothered to formally inform us of their decision. Information, Frequently Asked With Bulgarian Hegemony no longer a threat to the Alliance, the Romanians begin to plot their invasion of Hungary to take back their rightful land. Like to be able to annex Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, South Tyrol and Veneto as well. Communist strategy worked on first attempt. It is only visible to you. Like previous games in the series, Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame that focuses on World War II. You never know if you'll be able to integrate CZE or have to reload dozens of times or keep playing with the Loss. We must now consider the possibility of military action to secure our northern border. Shortly after midnight, [AUS.GetLeader] announced that the Austrian people had voted for a union with Hungary. [From.GetNameDef] Refuses to give up Danzig, Communist uprisings in [CHI_communist_state.GetName], [From.GetName] Requests [Root.GetAdjective] Participation in the [From.GetFactionName]. 7.9k . Our ambassador to [From.GetNameDef] has been called in for consultations. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I was inefficient and didn't take Romania until mid 1940 but no problems on historical mode. should I choose Germany, Britain or France to mediate if Romania refuse to give up Transylvania? This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. We were further instructed to withdraw any regular or irregular forces we may have in the area, or face the consequences. The Hungarian government has started to apply more pressure on the issue of the Vojvodina, stating that it used to be part of Hungary during the Empire and therefore should be returned. We might be going to war. Time and again, the Romanian government has publicly refused our claims, even ridiculing them. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. According to him, anything less than the full restoration of the old borders of Hungary would be considered an insult to every Hungarian alive or dead.He went even further, saying that the time for negotiations and diplomacy had passed, and that there was only one way that this issue could now be settled.The Romanian government has asked where we stand in this dispute, considering that we have agreed to support them previously. . And so romania refused my demands, so the mediation event popped up, and I picked germany as mediator. Gains Southern Slovakia (664) and Carpathian Ruthenia (73) as national territory. Restoring Austria-Hungary could be very fun if it wouldn't be a complete gamble everytime! The [From.GetAdjective] ambassador has transmitted the following note:"The Government of [From.GetNameDef] is watching the recent developments in [HUN.GetNameDef] with grave concern. This is a community maintained wiki. The 'Pravda' recently ran a main article speaking out against "anti-socialist revisionist claims", making particular note of the issues of the claims on Bessarabia and Transylvania as "imperialist behaviour that the developed socialist nations of the world do not engage in. on Paradox technology, Legal Below is a searchable list of all event names and event codes from Hearts of Iron 4 on Steam (PC / Mac). A guide for getting to the Reintegrate the Empire decision without mods using the Monarchist Hungary focus tree. The ambassador from [CZE.GetName] has come to us with an urgent request for help. I think the factories spent on that would have been better spent on improving output. The Hungarian government has approached us and asked that we hand over southern Slovakia to them, claiming that Hungarians in the area are being mistreated. This week I'll be looking at Romania. We could also opt to solve the issue with force, while the Yugoslavian military is still unprepared. They seem to only cave when I want them to say no, naturally. This section is just a list of government modifications that I choose in the AH games that I play: Hungary starts with 3 research slots and doesn't get extras until mid-game. - Complete claim transylvania. The below description is one of several available for this event.Despite our best attempts, we have been unable to secure any backing for our claims. Archived post. Questions, Paradox Will this work if you select facist insead of King? Still, there are opportunities to recover some of the lost land, with interest. The international arms inspectors have left the country, and the war ministry has drawn up initial plans for a modest expansion of our armed forces. When informed of the results of the arbitration on the disputed territories, [HUN.GetLeader] refused to accept them. In a development surprising even experienced diplomats, the Swedish government has announced that they consider our survival to be a core national interest of Sweden. Conservative newspapers have clamored for action to help the Hungarians, claiming that the King can not reasonably be expected to sit idle while his own son, now the King of Hungary, is under attack. The Romanian government under [ROM.GetLeader] has sent a delegation to Moscow to negotiate the issue of the contested territories. The government of [HUN.GetLeader] has scored a major political victory, as [From.GetNameDef] has just ratified the Revision to the Treaty of Trianon. It may not display this or other websites correctly. No doubt they believe that we will defend their claims to the area. We should take it. Should we resist? A gesture of reconciliation is a small price to pay when we have so narrowly avoided a war. It appears that our warning to Hungary has fallen on deaf ears. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Should we permit the sale to go through? The terms of the treaty negotiated in the recent conference have not been met with acceptance by the Romanian government. The soldiers have made their way to Hungary and are now ready to join our military. They claim that the unification with Serbia at the end of the Great War was "invalid on account of outside pressure", and that the territory therefore still is legally Hungarian. Would any choice give me more territory? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. R5: Romania, as my puppet, refused to give up Transylvania to Hungary. However, denying the Hungarians might cause them to make an aggressive move and abandon diplomacy altogether, which could destabilize the entire region. The [From.GetAdjective] delegation has stated their position as essentially being the status quo, with no major changes proposed. The Hungarian ambassador has approached our government with a request to exert diplomatic pressure on the other side.The Foreign Office cautions that siding with Hungary would no doubt negatively impact relations with her neighbours and shift the balance of power in the area. They have been very quiet about the exact reasons for their decision, but our intelligence service suspects a lack of readiness in their armed forces as the reason. Austrian leader [AUS.GetLeader] has publicly declared that the entire country is united in their opposition to the Habsburgs, and that the very idea of a referendum on Austrian independence is utterly absurd. I might use your strategy hahah. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Should Transylvania fall to us, or if we should try and occupy Romania as a whole, the oil supply would be greatly endangered. It is only visible to you. id 111 - 120 edit edit source id Communist Ultimatum This is a community maintained wiki. If you're playing . We must decide if it is worth the added security. While the [From.GetAdjective] government accepts, in principle, that nations should be permitted to choose their own destiny, we must urge the government of [HUN.GetNameDef] in the strongest possible terms to abide by the treaty. Interactive corporate website. According to our Air Attach, our newest model is poised to win. Their goal is clear - they want to create a pretext for an invasion to protect people they consider their citizens.The [CZE.GetAdjective] government has asked for our support in the matter. As they c. Between conquering Yugoslavia and actually entering the war, this is the time to build and prep your armies to beat The Third Reich at their own game and blitz the Axis. A compromise solution, unpopular but acceptable to both sides, should be preferred to avoid insulting one side to the point of refusing the settlement.". I have reloaded dozens of times and I mostly got told to beat it (tried asking all 4) and the best result was a compromise. They have approached us to request that we sit on the commission to decide the fate of Transylvania. Am I just unlucky or am I doing something wrong???? In the standard historical conditions with Austria not being within a faction, the AI has the following chances to select this option: The AI has a base weight of 30 for picking this option, multiplied by 2 if they are in a faction and 0 if Hungary is an AI. [CAN.GetNameDef] Joins the [GER.GetFactionName]! Under these terms, we would get Northern Transylvania, while the southern parts of the area will remain with Romania. The ambassadors of [HUN.GetNameDef] and [SOV.GetNameDef] have approached us with a joint offer to guarantee our borders against any enemy aggression. All of it, all the way, if you get it then nice, if not go to war and take it anyway. Also you end up doing nearly nothing till 1940 as it takes forever to unite and everyone is guaranteed by France who will willingly ship half their army over to defend YUG/ROM/POL regardless of the German threat right at their Door. [From.GetNameDef] has declared a military intervention after Hungary openly renounced the Treaty of Trianon. As they continue to expand their army, the begin to stir up a revolt in Transylvania, which will hopefully aid them in the war._________________________________________________________Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy video game developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. You must log in or register to reply here. What are the chances of romania accepting to give away all of transylvania? More posts from the hoi4 community. Like, ever. Even the intervention of [From.From.GetLeader] achieved nothing.There is considerable frustration inside the diplomatic service. These articles examine the benefits and drawbacks of playing as any of dozens of minor countries in HOI IV. Following negotiations with the manufacturer and state officials, we have successfully secured a production license for a new fighter. Standing before a large map of Europe, [SOV.GetLeader] delivered an hour long lecture to our delegation, repeatedly pointing out shortcomings and flaws in the proposed plan and speaking at length about the exceptional foolishness of our proposal, even accusing us of making common cause with the Imperialists.Our delegation has returned from Moscow empty-handed, but alive. Twice without knowing about this guide and the 3rd time doing everything the guide said and immediately I failed again. The [YUG.GetAdjective] government has so far refused Hungarian requests to return territories annexed by [YUG.GetNameDef] at the end of the Great War. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. The diplomatic protocol dispensed with, the delegations from Hungary, Romania and [ROM_mediator.GetNameDef] have settled down to discuss the matter at hand. Loses claims on each of the following states: Owns Sudetenland (69) and Eastern Sudetenland (74), Becomes the owner and controller of Southern Slovakia (664), Becomes the owner and controller of Vojvodina (45), Hungary becomes the owner and controller of Vojvodina (45). If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Hearts of Iron IV. If single player, Romania is more useful as an AI ally. Although they face overwhelming odds, the [YUG.GetAdjective] government have refused to see reason, telling our representatives that if we were to seek a military solution, it would find the [YUG.GetAdjective] military well prepared and ready. [CAN.GetNameDef] Joins [GER.GetAdjective]-led Alliance! [CAN.GetNameDef] Seeks Immediate Patriation. If you're playing multi w/Hungary, then all of Transylvania. Secret Rearmament and Industrial Revitilization. A formal request from the [From.GetAdjective] government is expected shortly.Representatives of the manufacturer are strongly in favor of the sale, but there are national security concerns about selling our most modern equipment to a foreign country. The other side has approached us through back channels, suggesting that they would not necessarily be against a commission of uninvolved nations to decide the issue. 83% with the German focus condition and world tension isn't over 20. [AST.GetNameDef] Seeks Distance from Commonwealth, [AST.GetNameDef] and New Zealand "United", [SAF.GetNameDef] assumes responsibility for African colonies, [ENG.GetNameDef] reorganizes African colonies, Indian National Congress triumphs in Provincial Elections, Swaraj Movement makes gains in Provincial Elections, [From.GetCallsign] Killed Over [From.GetMissionRegion], [From.GetFullName] Shot Down By [Prev.GetCallsign], [From.GetFullName] Shot Down [Prev.GetCallsign], [Root.GetLeader] Abandons Neutral Foreign Policy, Trial of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center, [yalta_partner.GetNameDef] Refuses to Participate, [From.GetNameDef] Demands the Sudetenland, [From.GetNameDef] Refuses us the Sudetenland, [Root.GetLeader] Speaks Against [From.GetName], [Root.GetLeader] Denounces [From.GetAdjective] Ideals, [Root.GetLeader] Warns Against [From.GetAdjective] Communism, [Root.GetName] Prepares for Great Struggle, [Root.GetLeader] Brings Revolution to [From.GetName], [Root.GetLeader] Calls to Aid [From.GetAdjective] Workers, [Root.GetLeader] Calls for Crushing [From.GetAdjective] Nationalism, Diplomacy with [From.GetName] Breaks Down, [Root.GetLeader] Calls for Intervention in [From.GetName], [Root.GetLeader] Speaks Against Red Menace, [Root.GetLeader] Confronts [From.GetAdjective] Fascism, [Root.GetLeader] Calls for War Against [From.GetName], [Root.GetLeader] Challenges [From.GetAdjective] Pretensions, [Root.GetLeader] Wants to Restore Order in [From.GetName], [Root.GetLeader] Calls Out [From.GetAdjective] Oppressors, [Root.GetLeader] Questions [From.GetAdjective] Sovereignty, [Root.GetLeader] Questions the Motives of [From.GetName], [Root.GetLeader] Angered by [From.GetAdjective] Posturing, [Root.GetLeader] Advocates Invasion of [From.GetName], [From.GetLeader] Speaks Against [Root.GetName], [From.GetLeader] Denounces [Root.GetAdjective] Ideals, [From.GetLeader] Warns Against [Root.GetAdjective] Communism, [From.GetName] Prepares for Great Struggle, [From.GetLeader] Bring Revolution to [Root.GetName], [From.GetLeader] Calls to Aid [Root.GetAdjective] Workers, [From.GetLeader] Calls for Crushing [Root.GetAdjective] Nationalism, Diplomacy with [Root.GetName] Breaks Down, [From.GetLeader] Calls for Intervention in [Root.GetName], [From.GetLeader] Speaks Against Red Menace, [From.GetLeader] Confronts [Root.GetAdjective] Fascism, [From.GetLeader] Calls for War Against [Root.GetName], [From.GetLeader] Challenges [Root.GetAdjective] Pretensions, [From.GetLeader] Wants to Restore Order in [Root.GetName], [From.GetLeader] Calls Out [Root.GetAdjective] Oppressors, [From.GetLeader] Questions [Root.GetAdjective] Sovereignty, [From.GetLeader] Questions the Motives of [Root.GetName], [From.GetLeader] Angered by [Root.GetAdjective] Posturing, [From.GetLeader] Advocates Invasion of [Root.GetName], [Root.GetLeader] Criticized for Weak Foreign Policy, [From.GetNameDef] seeks to join [SOV.GetNameDef], [From.From.GetName] has declared war on [From.GetName], [From.GetName] intervenes in war against [being_attacked.GetName], [From.GetNameWithFlag] gains Puppet (focus) war goal against [Root.GetName]. 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