Only teaching and clerical work were acceptable for women and they earned about half of what men made. ","spans":[]}]}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyText","type":"text","label":null,"primary":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyTextPrimary","text":[{"type":"heading2","text":"Women's work","spans":[]}]}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyText","type":"text","label":null,"primary":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyTextPrimary","text":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"Thanks to thesuffragettes, women had successfully won the vote in 1918. 467. Source: U.S. BLS. Source: Lists prices of typical food items, housing expenses, clothing, fuel, light and more. The car industry is the best example of mass production during the 1920s. ","spans":[]}],"category":"Discoveries","_meta":{"__ref":"PrismicMeta:YwOEXBIAACMANHjS"}}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleConnectionEdge","node":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_article","article_title":[{"type":"heading1","text":"Explore the essence of family history with thousands of new BMDs","spans":[]}],"category":"What's New? Most women worked in the private personal service industry,with over a million listing themselves as suchin the Census. Provides detailed breakouts by occupation. ","spans":[{"start":139,"end":150,"type":"hyperlink","data":{"link_type":"Web","url":""}}]}]}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyImage_with_link","type":"image_with_link","label":null,"fields":[{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyImage_with_linkFields","image_with_link":{"dimensions":{"width":444,"height":474},"alt":"British coal miners, 1920s. Source: BLS, Shows the cost of foodstuffs, clothing, and other necessities in Hungary. Compares average retail prices for grocery items in independent stores and in chain stores. Source: BLS, Shows the average pay for a 48 hour week throughout 5 different industries in Milan. Includes breakouts for those who lived with the family and those who did not. Source: BLS Monthly labor review, Apr 1926, Shows the average retail prices of various foodstuffs throughout Switzerland. Worker unrest and strikes were the order of the day and the economy declined. Source: This table provides average yearly wages per industry or trade type, including transportation, education and agriculture, among others. The 1920s were an era of prosperity and economic boom. Despite the country recovering from the devastation of war, in many instances, the Roaring Twenties had well and truly arrived. Covers more than 1,200 cities. Shows prices for articles of clothing sold in 35 retailer shops in twelve cities. View full-size in the Findmypast Photo Collection. 100 Years of Working Women. View full-size in the Francis Frith Collection. NOTE: Forhouseholdincome data for 1929, we recommend a1934 Brookings Institution report titled America's Capacity to Consume. In addition, women held jobs as teachers, nurses, librarians and maids. Use the following hyperlinks to see values for AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY. Compares to national averages. ","_meta":{"__ref":"PrismicMeta:YvtYXhIAACAAELcl"}}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleConnectionEdge","node":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_article","article_title":[{"type":"heading1","text":"Scour a slew of extensive social history collections with this week's release","spans":[]}],"category":"What's New? along with the country of origin, value in that country, transportation charges, duty charges and retail price in the U.S. Includes a photo of most items. Shows the weekly wages of various occupations in Swiss farming as well as the daily wages of day laborers. 7-8 in: Extensive, 219-page report published in the Bureau of Labor StatisticsBulletin no. Related: Life Advice From 18 of the Wealthiest People in History. When it comes to the troublemakers in your organization you have two choices: cut them out or rein them in. Source: BLS Bulletins. Source: BLS, Shows the wage scale for various occupations for Japanese and Chinese workers in Dairen. View full-size in the Findmypast Photo Collection. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. Nonindustrial In the 1920s decade, 8% to 12%of peopleaged18-21enrolled incollege. But change didnt come overnight. Table 25 shows additional breakouts for skilled and white collar workers by region (. Source: This calculator can be used to determine the historical purchasing power of currency in the United Kingdom from 1270 to 2017. View full-size in the Findmypast Photo Collection. It was usually undertaken by women, and sometimes children. Shows salaries for teachers ofkindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, vocational school, college, and normal schools (teacher training academies). ","spans":[]}]},"date_posted":"2022-10-11","metaTitle":null,"metaOgTitle":null,"metaDescription":null,"metaOgDescription":null,"metaCanonical":null,"_meta":{"__ref":"PrismicMeta:YWbmQhIAACEAbecE"},"body":[{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyText","type":"text","label":null,"primary":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyTextPrimary","text":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"The 1920s was a decade of contrasting halves in the UK. 12 million immigrants had passed through the gates at Ellis Island nestled in the New York Harbor between 1842 and 1954. The 1921 Census of England and Wales was the first to capture employment details. Shows average charge per case for appendicitis, childbirth, heart troubles, cancer, dental problems and more. One-page table shows average charges for residential electricity each year from 1924-1934, for cities over 50,000 in population. Butthe number ofwomen inthoseroles had declined by 20% since 1911. Source: page 13 in. Gasoline cost an average21.7 per gallon in 1929. Shows the hourly, daily, and biannual earnings of different occupations in the Missouri coal industry between 1890-1922. View full-size in the Findmypast Photo Collection. Source: "Income of Lawyers, 1929-1948" in the August 1949 issue of. Report published in 1927 includes extensive wage data for women in Tennessee by race, industry, education, and more, circa 1925. The Red Cross quickly hired and trained thousands of young women to be nurses, often at the battlefronts. Wages are shown in Italian lire. Source: Bulletin #269 of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, "Farm Family Living Among White Owner and Tenant Operators in Wake County," pages 24-28. by OCCUPATION Source: BLS, Shows the average wages of Spanish agricultural workers in different cities. "The sum of $4,000 will buy only a very modest home and even then it will have to be in one of the smaller citiesor in a remote suburb of a large city." Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. Source: BLS. Covers New York City, New Jersey towns, Fall River MA, Cleveland, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco and Portland OR. Shows the changes in wages of united Illinois coal miners following a labor agreement. In 1920 women composed 23.6 percent of the labor force and 8.3 million women older than the age of 15 worked outside the home. In the 1920s, men worked in burgeoning industries such as automobile manufacturing. Source: BLS. No doubt,a direct impact of theFirst World War. It can change how you see your past and maybe even your future. At the bottom of the wage-earning range were the cotton and wool manufacturers who made $1.29 and $1.32, respectively, in 1880. Shows the daily wages for 11 different occupations in Parahyba, Brazil. (Click image for detail), Marie Concannon, Government Information Librarian The survey covered 114 different cotton mills in 12 different state, and generally divides tables by occupation, sex, and year or occupation, sex, and state. What suits you? Since money wage rates of foreign countries have little meaning for economists in America, only the real wage rates are given.", Shows the average hourly and weekly wages of various occupations for both skilled and unskilled laborers. Wages are shown in pounds, shillings, and pence. In 1880, saw and planing mill workers and flint and window glass workers earned the most out of nearly 20 manufacturing industries profiled by Long -- at $2.41 and $2.33 each day, respectively. The mostcommonpositions in the personal service industrywere domestic servants, charwomen and housekeepers. Usually, where our ancestors lived dictated the type ofworkthey were likely to be doing. A full set of false teeth cost 21. Shows the retail prices for specific foods averaged across 51 U.S. cities. The . Discussion puts wage data in context with price levels which were definitely affected by the wars. The mostcommonpositions in the personal service industrywere domestic servants, charwomen and housekeepers. In 1921, over 1.5 million women still worked in personal serviceand 92% of laundry workers were female. Most notably, the automotive industry employed many workers. Includes breakouts by state, source of income, and more. Source: BLS. Shows the weekly earnings for 9 occupations in Amsterdam, Haarlem, the Hague, and Rotterdam. Teacher salaries for. Fixtures, chamberpots, bathroom soaps, towels, toilet paper. Shows expenditures by category with prices per article and amounts needed annually for a family of five. ","spans":[]}]}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyEmbedded_video","type":"embedded_video","label":null,"primary":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyEmbedded_videoPrimary","video_link":{"description":"","url":"//","embed_url":"","type":"rich","version":"1.0","title":"Coal mining","author_name":"Findmypast","author_url":null,"provider_name":"Ex.Co","provider_url":"//","cache_age":null,"thumbnail_url":",c_crop/w_420,c_fill/v1485701643/rrptnddw80syrlipfm4r.jpg","thumbnail_width":1297,"thumbnail_height":688,"html":"
"}}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyText","type":"text","label":null,"primary":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyTextPrimary","text":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"Lets delve a little deeper into the type of work women did in Britain during the 1920s. Wages shown in 1930 US dollars. Wages are shown in German marks. Bicycles, binoculars, footballs & basketball supplies, ice skates, athletic gear, boxing, baseball, & tennis supplies, fishing tackle, camping gear, guns. Wages are shown in German marks. Pianos, violins, guitars & banjos, accordions, other musical instruments. Issues of Telephone engineer & management detail rates for telephone service in many states. Wages shown in 1930 US dollars. It can change how you see your past and maybe even your future. Worker unrest and strikes were the order of the day and the economy declined. 525. Table shows average cost to rent houses by the number of rooms in each of 25 New Zealand cities and towns. Purchasing power is represented in its equivalence in horses, wheat, the yearly wages of a skilled tradesperson, and others. ","spans":[]}],"category":"History Hub","author":{"__typename":"PrismicAuthors","author_image":{"dimensions":{"width":51,"height":51},"alt":null,"copyright":null,"url":",format&rect=0,0,127,127&w=51&h=51","author_page_image":{"dimensions":{"width":127,"height":127},"alt":null,"copyright":null,"url":",format&rect=0,0,127,127&w=127&h=127"}},"_meta":{"__ref":"PrismicMeta:XSTJkRAAACIA6uQj"},"link_to_profile":{"__typename":"Prismic_ExternalLink","url":""},"author_name":[{"type":"heading1","text":"The Findmypast team","spans":[]}],"author_bio":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"All the latest news and views from Findmypast, the home of British and Irish family history. 5-6. This data also includes the number of women in the labor force in each decade, and the percentage of women in the top 10 . Source: BLS. Shows the average monthly wages of multiple occupation in the Alaskan fishing industry. ","spans":[{"start":27,"end":52,"type":"hyperlink","data":{"link_type":"Web","url":""}}]}]}]},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyText","type":"text","label":null,"primary":{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyTextPrimary","text":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"22% of the men recorded in the 1921 Census were retired. 8836. While female doctors were rare, female nurses were incredibly commonplace. A mail order catalog for the Fall/Winter season, 1920-1921. TRANSPORTATION What industry thrived in your towna century ago? Source: Compares 1922 to1940 wage rates for a variety of RR jobs, pp. Salary data for teachers, principals and school administrators in New York City, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago and Kansas City. What are the highest paying careers in Manitoba The Highest paying jobs in Manitoba Include, a family doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, a judge, engineering manager and banking manager. Compared to a decade earlier, there were more women working in medicine, engineering and law. Source: The cost of living in twelve industrial cities, p. 63. Source: BLS, Shows wages of various industrial and agricultural gender, in both Romanian leu and contemporary U.S. dollars. A wheat farm labourer, a silent movie actor, a telephone operator -- many jobs in the 1920s are nothing like today's. So take a minute to imagine what your life would be in the '20s. 19. What industry thrived in your towna century ago? These figures are shown by occupation, sex, and region. Schoolchildren and teachers in Deptford, 1926. One-page table shows 80 years of average retail prices for bread, milk, eggs and other common food items. Source: Teachers' salaries and salary trends in 1923. Totals are shown in Canadian dollars. Lists ticket prices in NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland and eight more cities in NY, PA, OH and MA. City lifesuitedclerks, charwomen and professionalswhile more rural settings were populated by farmworkers, mass production factory staff and small business owners. Surgeon -$216,248. Also shows the averagecost to rent farm landor pastures by the acre, by county. Tip: use the search tool to look for words like cents or rate. Source: BLS. Average earnings by industry, 1920-1921 Shows breakouts for automobile manufacture, cigar making, boots/shoe making, men's clothing, iron/steel and more. Source: BLS Bulletin no. ","spans":[]}]}},{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyImage_with_link","type":"image_with_link","label":null,"fields":[{"__typename":"PrismicBlog_articleBodyImage_with_linkFields","image_with_link":{"dimensions":{"width":675,"height":515},"alt":"Schoolchildren and teachers in Britain, 1920s","copyright":null,"url":",format"},"link":{"__typename":"Prismic_ExternalLink","url":""},"caption":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"Schoolchildren and teachers in Deptford, 1926. Income statistics of full time professional women were published in study by the Association of Business and Professional Women. Source: BLS, Shows the cost of foodstuffs and other necessities in Greece. Source: Lists costs of running a farm, including costs of power, labor, insurance, interest on loans, etc. In 1925, motor vehicles were scrapped at an average age of 6.5 years. Very simple table shows average hours and earnings for all production workers in manufacturing for each year from 1919-1960. About half of the surveyed penal institutions gave prisoners some compensation, based on its use as incentive toward good work and better behavior, and to provide the convict with a small way to provide for his family. Source: BLS. Includes drug items, toilet items, and miscellaneous items. Prices are shown in Japanese yen. Source: Cost of living and family expenditures in Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas. Prices on pp. ","copyright":null,"url":",format"},"link":{"__typename":"Prismic_ExternalLink","url":""},"caption":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"Wirral Colliery at Neston, 1925. War was over, women were more independent than ever before and there were significant advances in science and technology. This article reprinted from a January 1923 edition of, This source quotes medians (the mid-point, with 50% falling below the line), first quartiles (25% falling below) and third quartiles (75% falling below). Wages are listed in Mexican currency with exchange rate for calculating amounts in U.S. dollars. Primary duties: Enterostomal therapists are nurses responsible for helping treat patients with ostomies. . Covers occupations in the building trades, metal trades, printing trades, coal mining and more. Full time professional women since 1911 the hourly, daily, and sometimes children 5 different industries in Milan Capacity... Advances in science and technology America 's Capacity to Consume for those who lived with the and... Lists costs of running a farm, including transportation, education and agriculture, among others, daily, pence. Needed annually for a 48 hour week throughout 5 different industries in Milan New Jersey towns Fall... Of theFirst World war at the battlefronts, there were more independent than ever before and there were independent. In NYC, Boston, high paying jobs in the 1920s, Cleveland, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco and Portland.. 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