Our Research
The field of Mathematical NeuroOncology represents a marriage between applied mathematics, clinical oncology, cancer biology, radiology, pathology, artificial intelligence and informatics to enable practical clinical tools to benefit brain tumor patients. This site has evolved out of the Swanson Lab (now based at The Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona) which has been at the forefront of this field. As this field grows, we will use this site as a portal for access to works in the Mathematical NeuroOncology field from the Swanson Lab and beyond.
Research Funding
Inverse Mapping of Spatial-Temporal Molecular Heterogeneity from Imaging Phenotype
Funded by the NSF
Quantifying Multiscale Competitive Landscapes of Clonal Diversity in Glioblastoma
Funded by the NCI Cancer Systems Biology Consortium
Image-based models of tumor-immune dynamics in glioblastoma
Funded by the NCI Physical Sciences Oncology Network
MIT/Mayo Physical Sciences Center for Drug Distribution and Drug Efficacy in Brain Tumors
Funded by the NCI Physical Sciences Oncology Network
Days Gained: An Early Dynamic Indicator of Treatment Response
Funded by the Ben and Catherine Ivy Foundation
The ENDURES Study: Environmental Dynamics Underlying Responsive Extreme Survivors of Glioblastoma
Funded by the James D. McDonnell Foundation
In Loving Memory of Anne Baldock